GL X300B Setup
GL X300B (Collie) is a 4G LTE Industrial Wireless Gateway. The device is designed to operate under high temperatures. There are two different versions of collie; one is for indoor use and other is for outdoor use. Setting up collie is super easy with glinet app. Also you can configure the device using a web interface. GL X300B Setup will offer 2.4 GHz wireless network with 300 Mbps speed. You can add up the collie cellular router to your network and upgrade it. Step by step breakdown of the setup process is specified further.
GL X300B Setup: Step by Step
Collie setup will not take so long if you are aware of the exact setup process. There are two ways to initiate configuration of collie; web based & glinet app based. Both the methods are very simple. You can initiate any of the methods as per your preference. Before initiating the process it is important to check you have all the pre-requirements. Also you need to pursue the initial setup process before moving towards app based or web based methods.
Initial Setup
Initial setup contains the steps of installing the hardware of the collie. After successful installation of a hardware device one can initiate the GL X300B setup quickly.

Boot Up Collie
Booting up the device is a simple and easy process. Without booting up the device you can’t initiate the setup process. To boot up the device you need the power adapter you get along with it. Connect the power adapter to the collie device and plug-in into the electric socket. Turn on the electric supply and check the power LED of the device.
Connect To Collie’s Network
Once your collie’s LED stables, you can move further in the GL X300B setup process and connect your client device to the network. It is important for accessing the device web interface or configuring it via app. You can do it in two ways as mentioned:
- Wirelessly: Access wifi settings and search for collie’s default network name for connection. Use “Goodlife” as default password to access the device network.
- Wired: Use ethernet cable to connect your computer/ laptop device with collie.
Web Based Setup
GL X300B setup using the web requires an upgraded version of any web browser with a host internet medium to connect the device. Steps to configure are as described:
Launch Web Browser
Embark on the web based setup process with the launch of a web browser. The web browser you are about to use must not have cache or cookies. Also ensure it is the latest version of itself to eliminate hindrance.
Access Collie’s Web Interface
Use the default IP “” to access the web interface of collie. Mention the IP in the URL bar of the browser and then click on enter button of the keyboard for access.
Configure Collie

Once you get the access to the web interface you can step ahead in the GL X300B setup process.
- Choose the language first and then create a security password for the admin account.
- Afterwards you can connect the device to the internet. Go to the settings to hunt for an internet option.
- Next you have to choose the way to connect the device with the internet.
- Thereafter configure the WiFi settings & create a name for collie’s network.
- Also make changes in the default password & check for firmware update.
- Lastly, click on the apply option to complete the configuration.
App Based Setup
GL X300B setup using Glinet app is quite simple, easy and a smooth process to follow. Configuration steps are described underneath:
Download Glinet App
Get the Glinet app from the google play store or app store for your android or iOS system. Once the app is on your smartphone, you can initiate the configuration very smoothly.
Configure Collie
Before beginning the process, make sure your phone is connected to the collie’s network. Thereafter you can initiate the GL X300B setup:
- Choose the language to access the app after launching it.
- Then secure your admin account by creating a password for it.
- Next you have to go to the settings option from the admin panel.
- Here you need to hunt for an internet option.
- Thereafter choose a mode to connect the device with the internet.
- Follow the screen prompts to complete the connection and then create a SSID for the collie’s network.
- Furthermore, change the default password to protect the network from unauthorized access.
- Don’t forget to check for firmware updates, as it is mandatory for smooth running of the network. If the update is available then follow the screen prompt to install the updated version.
- Lastly, hit on the “apply” option to finish the setup.
Note: Keep the password a strong combination of alphabets, numeric and special characters. While creating a password be sure it is not easily crackable & memorable for you.